
Managing Customer and Leads

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21 articles by 2 authors

How to Create a Quote

How to add a quote in shopVOX - Step by Step instruction. Step 1. Create a customer. Click the + Green icon and from the drop down, select New Customer like shown in the image here. Creating customer…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Sales goals - Setting up for Success!

Track your business targets or Sales Reps targets or both! Within shopVOX, you have the ability to set goals for your business or set goals for individual employees that will add up to the total goal…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Drive results with the Sales - Production Thermometer

As an owner or manager it can be tough to know what actions to take when reviewing your data. Our Sales - Production Thermometer dashboard makes it simple to analyze your key numbers and know where t…

Updated by Santosh

Adding Shipping Charges to a Transaction

This video explains how to add a shipping charge to a transaction either as a write-in at the bottom of the transaction or as a Line Item. This information is for Users that don't need or want to imp…


Quote Approval Email Feature: Adding Attachments

Any Asset in any Format can be attached to a quote. Occasionally, it is necessary to add a design concept or document to a Quote that is being emailed to a customer... to close the sale. This has bee…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Use the Roll Up feature to combine pricing for multiple line items

The Roll Up feature on Quotes, Sales Orders, and Invoices allows you to combine 2 or more line items together on the PDFs you send to your customers.

Updated by Santosh

Quote States

There are several states a Quote can be set to at any given point in time. These states are explained below. Delivered - You can set the Quote to "Delivered" to show that it was sent to the Customer.…


Adding Images to a Quote/Sales Order/Invoice PDF

It has been said... "a picture is worth a thousand words." On some of your Customer Quotes, Sales Orders, or Invoices, it might be nice to have an image to convey what is being sold or created. shopV…


What is the Sales Process?

How we designed shopVOX to help you convert more Sales. A typical Sales Process . Sales Lead comes in via phone or email (create new sales lead). Specification is put together to quote job (create qu…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Quote Review - Send Approval Email

With online Quote approval - your customers can approve, reject, and comment on the quote with a click of a button Covered in this article:. How It Works. How to Use Quote Review. How to Enable the Q…


How to use the Quick Quote Feature

Your phone rings at 9:34 am on Monday. You’ve got someone who just wants a quick price for standard 3ft x 8ft banner. Don’t stop to take all their information like name, phone number, email, postal a…


What is a Sales Pipeline?

You've heard of Sales pipelines - Find out more about our Sales Lead pipeline feature. What is a Pipeline?. Your Sales Pipeline is a way to track your sales prospects and where they're at within your…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Mark invoices as Delivered, Shipped or Picked up

Do you know if your Products have been shipped, delivered or picked up? You might have had this conversation with your staff before... "Hey! Did that customer come by yesterday to pick up his order?…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Quoting Screen Printed Apparel

If you are looking for how to quote screen printed apparel, this is a great video to watch. It's only 3 minutes and gives you a great overview with instructions..

