
Managing Customer and Leads

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2 articles by 1 author

Sales goals - Setting up for Success!

Track your business targets or Sales Reps targets or both! Within shopVOX, you have the ability to set goals for your business or set goals for individual employees that will add up to the total goal…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Adding Images to a Quote/Sales Order/Invoice PDF

It has been said... "a picture is worth a thousand words." On some of your Customer Quotes, Sales Orders, or Invoices, it might be nice to have an image to convey what is being sold or created. shopV…


Mark invoices as Delivered, Shipped or Picked up

Do you know if your Products have been shipped, delivered or picked up? You might have had this conversation with your staff before... "Hey! Did that customer come by yesterday to pick up his order?…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich
