Getting Started

Setting up your Job Board account

For shopVOX Job Board users

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3 articles by 1 author

Setting up your Pro account

For shopVOX Pro users

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23 articles by 1 author

Training resources

Resources & Onboarding packages

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2 articles by 1 author


an introduction to Products and how to create pricing templates

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4 articles by 1 author

Accounting sync setup

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7 articles by 1 author

​Getting started Guide

Welcome to shopVOX!. We have put this guide together to assist you with the basics of getting your account setup. This article is a road map that will help explain what needs to be setup. Keep in min…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Save Time with Emailed Document Templates

Do you find yourself typing the same information over and over when communicating with your clients? Maybe each employee sends their emails - leaving you without any consistency in the messages your…


Notifications: Keep your entire team up to date

When something happens in your account - who should receive an email or alert? shopVOX will keep you well-informed about what’s happening in the shop. Setting up your notifications are key to this. N…


shopVOX Compatibility

In order to use shopVOX, you need to be able to access the internet (world wide web) with your device. This is the magic of shopvox. As long as you have an internet connection, and a supported browse…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Top 10 flows in shopVOX for a typical shop

Within shopVOX, the list below are the most common main steps for a typical shop. Some of the listed steps have incremental steps as well. This will give you a semblance of what to learn in shopVOX t…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Introduction to ShopVOX

Join Peter Kourounis where he gives an Intro to ShopVOX. Also follow him as he teaches you everything he knows about the industry. Peter founded Sign Me Up, a NY based sign and advertising company in…


How to create a Sales Order

Creating Sales Orders are super easy, we have put together a quick video to show you how. Video time 3 minutes..


Microsoft Outlook - Two Factor Authentication

If you are using Microsoft Outlook, and your company has turned on Two Factor Authentication (2FA), you will likely need to create an App password that will be used in place of your current password…

Tyler MacDonald
Updated by Tyler MacDonald

Avalara AvaTax - Sales tax setup guide

Sales Tax calculation is an important aspect of running a business and providing accuracy when generating transactions for a customer. Depending on where you find yourself in the world, assessing the…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich
