shopVOX specific terms

a glossary for shopVOX

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7 articles by 2 authors

Common questions

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28 articles by 2 authors

Errors and Troubleshooting

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9 articles by 1 author

Existing Approved Proofs for ReOrders

How to attach an existing Approved Proof to a new Sales Order ? The online Proofing system is a very valuable tool to streamline the communication between the Sales rep and the customer. Many of our…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Advanced Search & Filters

There are many ways to search in shopVOX. There are many places in shopVOX you can use to search and find information you are looking for. This guide is meant to look at searching in specific shopVOX…

Updated by Santosh

How do I cancel my account?

We're sorry to see you go! If there is something we can do to improve your experience, please let us know by submitting feedback through our Online Chat Support system, or by emailing support@shopvox…


Powerful Global Search in shopVOX

What is Global search, and how does it work? Global Search is a powerful tool that saves you time. When a customer calls in, and gives you just enough information as to not be helpful, global search…

Updated by Santosh

How can I setup a minimum order amount?

Learn how to handle a shop minimum inside shopVOX. There is no “minimum order concept” in shopVOX. You can however set minimums on the product level which function similarly to a minimum order $ amou…

Updated by Santosh

How to optimize your browser for shopVOX

Optimizing speed by using Clear Cache & Cookies for PC and Mac. Occasionally, since shopVOX is browser based; it is required to reload or refresh the browser to have updated information. Sometimes yo…

Updated by Santosh

Unable to change the Customer on Order ?

Why you are not able to change the customer on Order ? If a transaction has line items which have Jobs in " customer review " state, then we don't show an option to Edit the Customer field.

Updated by Santosh

Asset Images and using Image Notes

A versatile tool to create a ‘conversation’ between Sales and Design. As a designer, there is nothing worse than losing your focus while designing, due to an interruption by an over zealous sales per…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich

What is our IP address for the mail server ?

If you have not set up your SMTP settings, all communications will be sent from our mail server. Some of your customer's mail servers will drop these emails into junk or spam as potential threats. Yo…

Updated by Santosh

Custom PDF in shopVOX

Some customers want to use their own layout for the PDF documents generated within shopVOX. For instance, you have a certain layout for your invoice and you want to retain that to keep your customer…

Aaron Aldrich
Updated by Aaron Aldrich
