Dynamic Size Selection on Apparel UI

Santosh Updated by Santosh

For Apparel Product template pricing, it will show the available sizes for each item

In the Apparel industry, customers are looking at several factors when choosing a garment... Style, Quality, Color and Size. Of these four, the size naming convention is one variable that is not Universal. Not only from Country to Country, but also from vendor to vendor...in some cases.  For example, some Vendors will use 2XL, 3XL, 4XL and others will use XXL, XXXL, XXXXL. We have adjusted the Apparel UI pricing template to be dynamic and show the available sizes when a garment is selected from your catalog.

There are 2 options you can choose from when setting up your Apparel pricing templates for Embroidery or Screen printing.  

How to set this up

Step One 

On the Product page...when you click the edit icon, scroll down to the Pricing Type area.  The first step is to select apparel in the UI template field.  Also, check the Use Template Flag for additional pricing customization.

Step Two

You now have 2 options... you can have a Static size list(unchecked flag) or a Dynamic size list(checked flag).

Leaving the 'Show only available apparel sizes' flag unchecked will make the Product have Static sizes.  BUT...When checking the flag, it will automatically show the available sizes for the garment or item chosen from the respective catalog.

What does this look like on the Pricing template?

Here are the two different ways this will look, based on the 'Show only available apparel sizes' flag.

Static Interface - Flag Unchecked

There is a drop down field at the end of the size selections that will show any additional sizes or if the size is shown differently.  In the screen shot below, you can see this vendor catalog uses XXL, instead of 2XL. 

Dynamic Interface - Flag Checked

With the  'Show only available apparel sizes' flag checked, you will have all available sizes for the chosen item 'pop up' in the interface.  In the screen shots below, you can see how the selection list changes as the garment selection is changed.

Port Authority Ladies Dry Zone Ottoman Polo. L525 from SanMar

Port Authority Tall Dry Zone Ottoman Polo. TLK525.

Port Authority Medium-Length Apron. A525

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Apparel UI - Catalog Pricing Flag
