Taking Payments in ShopVOX - what your customers will see

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

This article gives you a visual tour of what taking payments looks like step by step from beginning to end in chronological order for both the the shopVOX user and the end customer. It is recommended to initially test this process during the setup of your new Payment gateway account. For more information on setting up a payment link, refer to this article.

Choose "Email PDF" from either the Sales Order or Invoice Page

When you send an invoice or a sales order to a customer, you will have a Flag that you can either check or uncheck. If checked a "Click to Pay" button will be added to the customer email.

What the Customer Sees

The email will have the Subject line and email body you chose from your Email Document templates. Below that, there will be a Blue button as shown below. The Invoice PDF will be an attachment to the email itself.

Getting the Payment URL

You can see this payment link from the order or invoice page inside shopVOX at any time. This is helpful if you need to troubleshoot the payment with a customer, or want to send this link to the customer from outside of shopVOX.

Scroll down until you see the "External URL" button

The customer fills out this information CORRECTLY then clicks on "Confirm Payment" they will be taken to the next page.

This is what it looks like after the customer's card is ran successfully

Customers can print this page for their own receipt records. The customer will also automatically be emailed a receipt. A green pop up will confirm "Successfully Paid" when the transaction was successful.

If the customer's card was not ran successfully...

The customer will receive an error message if the card is not ran successfully. They will need to troubleshoot the error either by contacting their bank, or re-enter or double check the information they entered.

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