Apparel UI - Catalog Pricing Flag

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

If you are in the Apparel industry and are using our Apparel User Interface(UI) pricing templates for Screenprinting, Embroidery, DTG, etc. ... there is a Flag directly on the pricing page that will allow you to lock your selling price, if you are making manual adjustments.

Here is a scenario that might have happened to you: Occasionally, you may want to tweak the selling price for the blank garment.  You have set up your standard mark ups for your catalog, but maybe... you have special pricing for a customer or you just want to add a few dollars to the price of that garment.  Once you have done this and you save the Line item, that price is set and you are ready to give the quote to the customer.  But then... they ask you to add additional quantities or sizes to the order.  So...You click on the edit for that Line item and notice all of your pricing has reverted back to the Catalog price!  All those changes were lost!

What to do?

...... first, stop pulling your hair out

....second, un-check this Flag to lock your prices in.

This Flag... Use Catalog Price...when unchecked will ignore the catalog pricing  and retain any edits you make to your pricing.  It will no longer 'fetch' pricing when you have to edit that Line item and make changes to quantities, colors or sizes. So, if you make minor adjustments to your blank apparel pricing; make sure you are un-checking this Flag before you finish adding all the details and Save the line item.

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