How Do I Create a New User?

This article will explain how to add employees to shopVOX and customize their profiles so your whole shop can be connected. Here are the steps to follow to add your team to your shopVOX account.

How to create a new user

  1. Click on your company name on the top left corner of your screen
  2. Click Account Settings
  3. Users
  4. New User

The following will be required when creating a new users:

  • Name: Name of the person
  • Email: This is the username that the user will use to login (Not required for scheduled user types)
  • User Type: To learn more about user types check out this article.
  • Password: Once a user has been created, the password cannot be modified from the user. The only way to change the password is to reset the password like you would in any online software application; go to the login page, and click "Reset Password".
  • Roles: to learn more about user roles, click here.
  • Considering Security Features: You can restrict when and where a user can log into shopvox.
  • Static IP: Click here to learn more about Static IP.
  • Work Days & Hours: You can restrict the hours and days a user can and can't log in. For example, you may not want users to log into shopvox on the weekends. To do this, you would check weekdays, and leave weekends unchecked.

When you fill out the sign-up for shopvox, it will ask you how many users you want. Billing will never create usernames or passwords for you, you'll always create these yourself to insure account security. If you don't create users for these after your first billing cycle, shopvox will only bill you for users you have created by the next billing cycle.


Common Questions about Users

User Types in shopVOX

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How to Change Password

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