Workflow Steps - colors and icons

One of the most powerful features of shopVOX is the workflow management system.Each job you create follows our Workflow Templates you customize to fit your process.

Workflow Template are made of Stages and Steps. 

When you're looking at the Job Boards or the individual Job Card - you'll notice each step will be a different color at a given time.


What do the colors mean?

Grey Color

This step is not scheduled yet and is not ready for processing yet.

Blue Color

This step is scheduled and ready for processing.

Orange Color

This step is in process - meaning someone is actively working on it.

Green Color

This step has been completed.

Pro Tip Be careful here. If the Design steps is green it does not mean your customer approved the proof. It just means design is completed and/or uploaded to the system.

Red Color

This step has been placed on hold.


What do all the icons do?

Each step has icons that change the state of that particular step.

Certain icons may only be visible when a job step is in a particular state.

Wow that's a mouthful - but I promise it's not that confusing. 😀

There are five possible icons that might be displayed.


This button below that looks like a "play" button is to "Start" a step.


This button below that looks like a "stop" button is to "Stop" a step. If this button is clicked then the Job Step and the job is put on "Hold" and the step turns, Red in color indicating this was put on Hold.


This button below that looks like a "flag" button is to "Complete" a step. If this button is clicked then the step turns green in color indicating the step was completed.


This button below that looks like a "redo" button is to "Restart" a step. If this button is clicked then this step is restarted again and the step color turns, Orange in color.


This button below that looks like a "Caution" button is to "Reset" a step. 

Reset means a step will be set in a "Pending" state (Grey color) so it will be in the sequence to be worked on the next when ever the current step is completed and then this step becomes the next step to be worked on.

You cannot reset system steps, Design and Customer Review

If a current step is being "Reset" then it will become "Idling"(Blue color) not "Pending" (Grey color), since on a given workflow there needs to be at least one step that is in "Pending/In process/Hold" state.

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What are Stages?
