How can I change the workflow template for a job?

Santosh Updated by Santosh

Unfortunately, you cannot change the workflow template of a job once it's been created. 😢But we do plan to add this functionality in future versions of shopVOX.

Obviously, that doesn't help you at the moment. You'll actually have to delete the job and then re-create it. Here's how.

How to change the Workflow Template for a Job once it's created

  1. Find the Sales Order the Job was created from
  2. Click Show Job
Any notes, tasks, assets, or additional info that's included on the Job, but not the Sales Order will be erased once you Delete the Job. So it's important to try and catch any issues with select the wrong Workflow Template early in the process.
  1. Delete the Job
    1. Enter the Void Reason
  2. Click Create Job from the Sales Order
  3. Re-create the Job selecting the correct Workflow Template

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