Flags to control what prints on customer facing vs internal PDFs

By definition, a Flag is a programmers term for a control of information or the outcome of particular operations.  In terms of shopVOX, Flags are used to determine Yes/No of a Setting.  This article covers Flags that will determine if information is printed on the Customers PDF documents.NOTE: The Show Internal Flag is usually located in the same place as the Print on xxx PDF 

POS Settings Flags

These are located here...

Show BOM Details on Customer PDF >>> This flag controls to show any BOM (Bill of Materials) or not on the end customer PDF. If you do not want any Material/Labor/Machine rates to show to end customer on any of their PDF's uncheck this flag.

Show Qty on BOM On Customer PDF >>> This flag controls whether to show how much QTY of any Materials/Labor/Machine rates to show on the customer PDF.

Example: You want to show what "Substrate" is used (Enable the flag, "Show BOM Details on Customer PDF" = True) but do not want to show how much of it is used in the pricing calculation, then this flag (Show Qty on BOM On Customer PDF)should be set to false(unchecked).

For Apparel industry, you should have this flag enabled since you want to show them how many garments are being made, you should enable this flag (Show Qty on BOM On Customer PDF) to be true.

Show Custom Item on Customer PDF >>> This flag controls whether to show or not if you have added any of the Material/Labor/Machine charges on the fly which does not have a setup. If this flag is set to Yes, then this will show up on the customer PDF by default.

Material/Labor/Machine Flag

.These Flags can be found by going to Company name >> POS Settings >> $ Pricing >>

These Flags are located at the bottom of the Edit Screen(near the Save button) for a Material/Labor/Machine Rate..

Display on Description

 >>> This flag is on each Material/Labor/Machine definition. You can use this flag to control which Material/Labor/Machine charges you want to show up on the end customer PDF.

>>> This flag will print any Image that has been attached to this Material/Labor/Machine Rate.  

Custom Fields

These are part of a Product Template and the Flag is located on Custom Field section.  Click the Blue Pencil Edit to open the page.

Print on Customer PDF's: >>> This flag is on each custom field which you can enable or disable for the customer to see or not.

Pricing Attributes

Located on Company name >> POS Settings >> $ Pricing >>AttributesYou will then select the Attribute and Click the Pencil Edit Icon in the Upper Right

Show on PDF: >>> This flag is on each "Pricing Attribute", like Height/Width etc., which you can enable or disable for the customer to see or not see it. Default is Yes, and hence it will be printed on the customer facing PDF's. If you do not want it to show on the customer facing PDF's you can turn it off per attribute.

***NOTE: All these flags give you configuration control on what to show to the end customer and what not to show on the PDF documents. None of the above flags control the UI on any internal shop documents.

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