Errors and Troubleshooting

How do I remove / delete materials, material types, or material categories?

Material types and categories help you keep your account organized. It is important to have some structure but don't get hung up on it. Just make sure you use names that mean something to you and you…

Updated by Santosh

When I convert a quote to a work order, does the name of the order and the line item description carry forward or do I have to rewrite?

When you convert a quote to a work order, the name of the order and the line item description are carried forward. You do not not need to rewrite either one. However, you can edit both if you want to.


shopVOX Chat Feature not working on Firefox Browser

Disable Tracking Protection for Intercom as shown below for shopVOX Chat Feature to work on Firefox Browser. If you still want Tracking Protection on Intercom then you need to disable it for…

Updated by Santosh

How to clear history from Chrome browser?

Click the three dots on the right hand side of the browser to get to this drop down and then click the History menu item. 2. Then click Clear Browsing data on the left hand side. A POP up will open,…


Flags to control what prints on customer facing vs internal PDFs

By definition, a Flag is a programmers term for a control of information or the outcome of particular operations. In terms of shopVOX, Flags are used to determine Yes/No of a Setting. This article co…


Keep Important Documents Handy with Account Level Assets

Account Level Assets is a feature that allows you to upload assets to the "shopVOX account" level. You upload common documents for your shop, and you can attach them to any emails you send from shopV…


How to round your pricing to 2 decimals or 4 decimals

On some products you might want to display more decimal places to your customers, on others you want to show fewer. How can I round my pricing to 4 decimals? No wait - I'd rather see 2 decimals. A lo…


ERROR - Property: amount_in_cents, reason: greater than payment balance.

Property: amount_in_cents, reason: greater than payment balance. When you get this error this means you are trying to refund more money than the available balance in the Payment. When you create a Pa…


Control custom line items

A nice feature/permission to control custom line items Do you ever have an issue with team members entering in whatever they like whilst creating line items? Sometimes this can result in things getti…

