Setting up the Gmail and Outlook Email Integrations with @mail feature

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Integrate your email accounts with shopVOX

This integration allows you to access your Gmail, GSuite, or Outlook 365 email accounts directly with shopVOX PRO, so that you can send and receive emails right from the App.

We have recently gotten our certification with Nylas Universal email.

The Nylas Universal Email API gives a secure, reliable connection to user’s inboxes. Get real-time, bi-directional email sync, and full CRUD (create, read, update, delete) capabilities with a single integration. Our certification allows you to access Gmail and email accounts.

This feature saves you time by allowing you to: 

  • Attach shopVOX assets to emails.
  • Stop retyping the same messages using the email templates.
  • Link email threads to transactions, and more.

Here's how it works

To add this integration with your shopVOX PRO account, please contact and provide the names of the users you wish to add. 

Each user added to this integration will incur a $5 fee per user on your monthly subscription.

Steps to Integrate your Email

Enabling @Mail

Step 1.  Once you have contacted Billing, we will turn on the feature for your account.

Step 2.  Give Billing your list of Users you would like added that will be using this feature

Step 3.  Our team will add them and reply letting you know when the feature is ready for you to access

Step 4. For future Users you will need to email Billing again to get them added to the feature.

Setting up sync

Step 1.  Click the @Mail tab to open the Mail feature.  

NOTE: Each User will need to do this when they log in.

Step 2.  Click Enable Gmail syncing or Outlook syncing.  

Step 3.  Gmail sync: Sign in to your account.  Click Allow to allow the shopVOX application to sync with your account (shown below).

Step 3.  Outlook sync: Sign in to your Outlook account.  Click Allow to allow the shopVOX application to sync with your Outlook account (shown below).

Using the @Mail Feature

Click on the @Mail tab on the Navigation Menu to open the Mail feature.

On the Mail page:

  • The Inbox, Search, or Compose buttons on the top left help you manage your email.  
  • To open a message, click a message to open it.  
  • To reply to a message, click the green reply button to the top right. 
  • To send a copy, click the Cc or Bcc options.
  • To use one of your shopVOX email templates to compose the message, click the "Prefill email with template..." option. 
  • To add an attachment, click one of the options in the lower left-hand corner of the Email window.

Linking an Email to a Transaction, Customer, or Job

For documentation and easy access, an Email can be attached to a particular Transaction, Customer, or Job.  Click the Link button to the Upper right to link the email message (shown below).

Once the message has been attached, it will show up in the Notes section on the Transaction, Customer, or Job to which it was linked.  

On the Note, click the link next to the Note Type to open (and reply to) the Email (shown below).  

Adding a Contact from an Email

If you receive an email from a contact that isn't in shopVOX, you can add them. 

To add a Contact from an email into shopVOX, click the green + button to the left of the Contact's name (shown below).  

From the New Contact page, type in the Customer's name that the Contact should be associated with.  Select the name from the drop-down list. Enter the Contact's pertinent information and click Save.


Does this work with my provider (insert name here)?

Our integrated mail feature only works with the email providers listed here - Gmail, GSuite, or Office 365.

You can, however, click this bold text to learn how to integrate your SMTP settings from your other provider here.

If I delete a message from my Inbox in shopVOX, will it delete the message from my Gmail, GSuite, or Outlook 365 email?  

No. Not at this time, this will be added in the future.  The Integrated Mail feature is an interface that only allows you to receive, reply, reply all and review emails in your shopVOX account, just as if you were logged into your account through Gmail, GSuite, or Outlook. 

Deleting the email in your shopVOX account will not update the data hosted in your email server.

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