Webstore & Shopping Cart Examples from shopVOX Users

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

For those interested in implementing a Webstore, Shopping Cart or cPortal...here are some REAL examples of how they can look and operate.  These are Live pages on existing websites from other shopVOX Users.

But First!! 

Here is a brief description of what these are:

cPortal(customer portal - A cPortal is a private dashboard for your clients. They can view existing orders, reorder past orders and most importantly...give you money!  The cPortal are hosted on the shopVOX servers - because they are password protected. Since these are password protected, we don't have an example of this type in this article. For more information on cPortals there are several videos on this article.

Learn more about cPortals

Web Store - a Webstore is an online store setup for a specific client that is not password protected like the cPortal is, and can be embedded in your website.  These can be very useful for schools or organizations that are selling designed products to Parents or Members of that organization. 

Learn more about Web Stores

Shopping Cart - a shopping cart is similar to a Webstore in that it is NOT password protected and view-able by anyone.  The difference is it is not specific to an organization.  The shopping cart can be used to sell any Product you have in your database that is added to the page.

Learn more about the Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart example

Group Imaging uses a shopping cart to market to their community.  They have a variety of Products they promote.  They also promote their option to create a Customer Portal and educate their customers on the value of cPortals. Here is the URL for this page:


Take a look!

Shopping Cart example

Flewwelling Press has created an online shopping cart with their logo on the header as well as a footer to match their website look. They have an extensive array of products listed on the Online store. Here is their shopping cart.

Take a look!

They have both the shopping cart option as well as a link for cPortal customers. Here is the website link.

Webstore example

Fastpost.com has a few webstore customers. This example is one of their webstores that is for a realtor. They have created a full suite of products that their agents and brokers can order online. NOTE: The major difference with a webstore is this is specific to one customer, but several people may order if they have the link.

This webstore is inactive as requested by their customer. But you can see the screenshots of what it looked like when it was live.

Take a look!

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