Quote Review - Send Approval Email

With online Quote approval - your customers can approve, reject, and comment on the quote with a click of a button

Covered in this article:

  • How It Works
  • How to Use Quote Review
  • How to Enable the Quote Review feature
  • Notifications and Quote Review
  • FAQs

Overview of Quote Review

Quote Statuses

There are 4 different Quote statuses that the Quote Review feature uses to keep you informed. 

You'll see the statuses in the top right hand corner of the individual Quote page.

Just below we've got a short explanation of each.


(100% Grade "A" Sales Order Material)

Your customer has approved this quote. 

What to Do Next

It's ready for you to convert into a new Sales Order. Convert it and email them an order confirmation (Sales Order PDF)

Customer Review

(Still waiting... ... ...)

You've sent the quote to your customer, but have yet to hear back from them.

What to Do Next

Been a while? Check the View Count on the Quote Review section to see if you're customer has viewed the proof.

If they've viewed it multiple times - with no action taken - try re-sending the approval email with a quote reminder message.

If they have not viewed it a single time - don't wait - jump on the phone and give them a call. Don't risk it.

Approved with Changes

(Do it but change this one thing)

You've sent the quote and your customer has given you the go-ahead for the order - but you need to make a few changes.

Maybe it's the size. Maybe they want to add one more piece.

What to Do Next

Make the changes to the Quote and convert into a new Sales Order. Make sure you email them a copy of the Sales Order PDF - to give them a final confirmation of their order.


(Not gonna cut it)

Your customer has viewed the quote and didn't like what they saw. Whenever they request changes - feedback is required - so you'll be able to view the changes from the Quote page.

What to Do Next

Make the changes they requested in the comments and resend approval.

How to Enable Quote Review Feature

The Quote Review feature is turned off by default. To enable it:

  1. Go to Account Settings > Settings

Scroll down the page a bit and look for a heading called Workflow.

  1. Enable Online Quote Review By Customer

Make sure this is set to Yes - and then you'll have access to Quote Review my friend.

  1. Get Notified

Once you've enable the Quote Review feature in your account - head on over to the Notifications under the Account Settings menu.

Notifications send you messages whenever important events happen with your quote. You can receive notifications via Email or Push (Alerts in the right hand side of your screen.)

Here are the notifications that work with Quote Review:

New Comment on Quote Review

(customer requests changes or approves with changes)

Quote Viewed by Client

(customer clicks the Quote Review link in the email you sent)

Quote is Approved

(customer marks the Quote as "Approved" or "Approved with Changes"

You should change up these settings to match your preferences. Maybe you don't want to receive an email any time your customer views the Quote. Maybe that should just be an alert for you.

The point is to make sure you're only notified on the things that are important to you. Otherwise you might start to tune things out - or worse filter the notifications with your email client.

To Change these notifications:

  1. Click the Edit button
  2. Search for "Quote" in the search field
  3. If you want to receive a notification, check the first box "Notify".
  4. Decide if you want to receive emails or alerts (push) within shopVOX or both.
  5. Select the person you want to receive the Notifications. 
    (We suggest selecting SR which stands for Sales Rep)
  6. Click the Save

You can learn more about the notifications here.


Is there any charge for Quote Review?

Quote Review is included as part of the Pro version of shopVOX. So there are no extra charges for this feature.

Can my customer approve and pay at the same time?

Currently, you have to manually convert the approved Quotes into Sales Orders yourself. Since this is version 1 of our Quote Review - we didn't automate the Quote to Sales Order conversion or payment integration. We will likely do that with version 2 or 3.

Why can't I convert this Quote to a Sales Order?

If the Quote status is currently Customer Review or Revise - you won't be able to convert the Quote into a Sales Order. You can wait until your customer approves it or you can manually mark it Approved within the Quote Review section of the Quote page.

What's Next?

How helpful was this doc?

What is the Sales Process?

How to use the Quick Quote Feature
