Keep Important Documents Handy with Account Level Assets

Account Level Assets is a feature that allows you to upload assets to the "shopVOX account" level. You upload common documents for your shop, and you can attach them to any emails you send from shopVOX. Some examples you might upload as Account Level Assets include:

  • Credit card authorization form
  • Contracts
  • W-9
  • Marketing brochures
  • Sell sheets
  • Permit Applications

Where do I find Account Level Assets?

Company Menu > Account Settings > Assets

How do I use Account Level Assets?

  1. Upload an Asset

Click on New Asset, then proceed to name the asset, select a category, and then upload your asset by click on the big green button. Then don't forget to save!

  1. Send An Email

Select the "Email PDF" feature on any quote, SO, or Invoice screen when you want to email those documents to your customer. When the email feature loads, you can attach any of your account level assets to the email. A list will appear on the window and you can select the checkboxes for the assets you want to include.


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