Customer Alerts & Flags

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

How to get reminded via pop-up notification of critical customer information

Many times you may have a customer that requires special attention whether that be special billing, proofing, or communication preferences. A great way to make sure this vital information doesn't slip through the cracks is to add an alert pop-up that (although annoying) reinforces these special instructions every time you access the estimate, order, work order, job, customer or invoice.

In shopVOX you can make it easy for staff to identify these special circumstances using the "Special Info" section within a customer. If the section is missing you'll need to make sure the "Special Info" checkbox is checked in the forms module to unhide it.

How to Create Customer Alert:

Step 1: Find your customer. Open the customers module and select the customer you want to add an alert for (or use global search to find the customer)

Step 2: Edit Your Customer (Click the "Edit" Pencil)

Step 3: Click the "More Info" Button, then Scroll to the Bottom

Step 4: Enter special alter, then click save. Feel free to play around with the formatting :)

When Will Alerts Show?

Alerts will show for this customer every time one of the following is accessed/opened by a user.

  • Quote (Pop-up that requires you select "Okay"
  • Sales Order (Alert style that pops-up on the top corner of the screen)
  • Invoice (Pop-up that requires you to select "Okay"
  • When the Customer is Opened (The message will also show on the top of the customer)

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