Product: Yard Signs using Grid Pricing

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Learn step-by-step how to build a Yard Sign Product using Grid Pricing

Yard Signs are a great product to build using Grid Pricing because most of the time they are sold with standard variables (like size, materials, and a set number in each bundle). This example will take you through all of the steps to build a yard sign using a 1D, 2D, and 3D grid.

Creating the product

  1. Step 1: Create a new product and enter the basic settings

In this example, I'll want to build a Corex Yard Sign Product, with a standard size, single-sided print, and I'd like to sell them in variable qty groups (1-12, 13-25, 26-50). Since my material, size, and sides are all fixed and the only variable I need is qty, then I will build a 1D Grid for this product.Navigate to your Company Menu >> POS Settings >> Pricing >> Products. Then select New Product.

From the "New Product" window, we will enter the basic settings of your product such as Name, Description, Type, Category, Pricing Type (choose Grid), UI Template (choose Normal). Also, please select an Income Account and COG Account at the bottom of the window (important for QB users, but required for all to pick one).

Don't worry about entering any other fields in this window for now. Focus only on the highlighted fields as we are learning these first steps. Click Save when you are finished.

  1. Step 2: Add a Grid

From the Actions Button in the upper right hand corner of your screen, click on "Add Grid"

We'll start with a 1D Grid.

Product Name: Corex Yard Sign - 18"x24" - Single Sided

Type: 1D

Unit Price: Checked (Price is determined per unit qty)

X-Axis Name: Quantity (You can choose what to type here)

X-Axis Type: Quantity (Your choices are Quantity or Collection. Quantity is individual pieces sold. My customer can pick 1 sign or 7 signs, or how ever many they want and I can set up my grid with qty breaks. Collection gives you a set collection of choices, like if your signs are sold in a bundle with a fixed qty amount per bundle)

Units: Unit (Unit of Measure)

  1. Step 3: Build a 1D Grid with Cost and Price

Once you save the Grid Settings, start building your variable into the grid. Enter the upper qty break numeral in the first cell of the "Quantity" column. Since my first price break is from 1-12 items, my first qty break numeral will be 12. 

Then enter the unit cost and unit price. Click Add New Price to enter a new line of data into your grid.

  • What's the difference between Cost and Price?

  1. Step 4: Test your new product on a quote

Open a test quote (Click on the "+Create" button at the top of your screen next to your company menu, then select "New Quote) and let's add your new item. Find your grid product from the keyword search bar. Let's make sure that this new product is working properly.

Congrats! You've built a 1D Grid Product! Now let's build a 2D Grid Product using the same example, but we'll add a second variable "Sides" to the grid. Let's say I offer single sided and double sided signs, and instead on making (2) 1D Grids, I can combine these two variables (qty and sides) into (1) 2D Grid Product.

Follow the instructions in Step 1 above to add a new product, only omit "Single Sided" from the name since that is now going to be a variable in our grid. Fill out the basic settings, and Save.Click on the Actions Button to "Add Grid"

  1. Step 5: Build a 2D Grid Product

Start entering the Grid Settings for your 2D Grid Product:

Name: Corex Yard Sign - 18"x24"

Type: 2D

Unit Price: Checked

X-Axis Name: Quantity

X-Axis Unit: Quantity

Units: Unit

Y-Axis Name: Sides (Variable Name, you choose what to write)

Y-Axis Type: Collection (I want to give a set collection of choices)

Unit: Unit (unit of measure)

Attribute Values: Sides-1,Sides-2 (these are my choices for my second variable. Separate choices with a comma)

Then start entering the variables, cost, and price into your 2D Grid:

You can always add more attribute values for your variable by clicking on the "+Add" button shown in the image above.

Now, let's try building a 3D Grid Product for the yard sign example. Now, I want to sell yard signs at different size options (12x18 and 18x24). So, now size will become a variable in my grid.

Follow the instructions in Step 1 above to add a new product, only omit "Single Sided" and omit 18"x24" from the name since these are now going to be a variables in our grid. Fill out the basic settings, and Save.Click on the Actions Button to "Add Grid"

  1. Step 6: Build a 3D Grid Product

Start entering the Grid Settings for your 3D Grid Product:

Name: Corex Yard Sign

Type: 3D

Unit Price: Checked

X-Axis Name: Quantity

X-Axis Unit: Quantity

Units: Unit

Y-Axis Name: Sides

Y-Axis Type: Collection

Unit: Unit

Attribute Values: Sides-1,Sides-2 

Z-Axis Name: Size (Variable Name, you choose what to write)

Z-Axis Type: Collection (I want to give a set collection of choices)

Unit: Inches (Unit of Measure)

Attribute Values: 12x18,18x24 (these are my choices for my second variable. Separate choices with a comma)

Then start entering the variables, cost, and price into your 3D Grid. You'll notice that your third variable (size) is a clickable tab along the top of your grid.

  1. Step 7: Test your new 3D Grid Product on a quote

Open a test quote (Click on the "+Create" button at the top of your screen next to your company menu, then select "New Quote) and let's add your new item. Find your grid product from the keyword search bar. Let's make sure that this new product is working properly.

No Sweat! 

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