How to enable login only from static IP address

Santosh Updated by Santosh

If you want your staff to login only from a certain static IP address then follow the steps below.

STEP 1: Under your main company menu, navigate to Account Settings, then Security:

STEP 2: When you click Security, you will see the following screen. Input the IP addresses that are allowed to log into you shopVOX account one-by-one, separating each one with a comma:

STEP 3: Navigate to your User menu (Settings, then Account Settings, then Users), and select the user you wish to restrict to these IP addresses. Scroll to the bottom of the user's profile and click Edit Profile. Towards the bottom of the profile, under the Roles section, you'll see a "Login only from Static IP" checkbox - enable this:

Now if that staff member attempts to log into shopVOX from any other IP address, the system will prevent them from logging in, and will display a warning sign showing the IP address from which they are attempting to log on. They can provide that IP address to your shopVOX administrator to add as an allowed address, if desired. NOTE: users marked as "ADMIN" in your shopVOX account are able to log in from any IP address.

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