Pricing Attributes

Pricing attributes are basically the characteristics of your estimate. They allow you to create situational pricing fairly easy using a pricing template. For example. I can create a Product called a 13 oz printed banner that sells at $6/sq.ft and it is hemmed and grommeted. I could call it a day from there. Or I could increase the price of that banner based on the situation’s needs. Situations such as double-sided, installation needs, permitting requirements, is it a rush etc. That banner is $6/sq.ft sure…but the situation could be much more. I can drastically increase the base price using pricing attributes.

Attributes are only accessible when you have the template box checked on the product. Don’t forget to do that!

Pricing attributes are a set of attributes which will determine the price of the item. These pricing attributes are of two types: Numeric and Boolean

Numeric Attributes

Numeric pricing types are attributes that you need when some type of math or numerical input is required. For example I can have a numeric attribute called “Sides” and when I enter 2 I can have it increase the vinyl I’m using by the same factor of 2. Good examples include but are not limited to:

  • Sides
  • Colors
  • Locations
  • Design_Hrs
  • Letter_Hght
  • Install_time
  • Total_Sqft

Boolean Attributes

Boolean pricing types are attributes that require a yes/no answer such as,

  • Rush Charge – Should it be charged? If so hit the checkbox.
  • Install Charges – Should you add an installation fee? If not don’t hit the checkbox.

These ‘Boolean’ types of pricing attributes determine if a charge should be charged or not vs, ‘Numeric’ types which are used to calculate some type of number (i.e area, perimeter, total time etc.) Good examples of Boolean Attributes include but are not limited to:

  • Rush
  • Contour_Cut
  • Install
  • Design
  • Flashing
  • Folding
  • Double_sided

NOTE: If you want to make a Boolean Pricing attribute default marked as checked, then put the default value as true.

As you start to use both of these attributes within your templates you will have to follow strict rules to make them work. Always apply the “boolean” attribute to the filter field of the item you want to trigger as a possible charge. Always use numeric attributes within the Item Formula field. You’ll see in the example below of properly assigned pricing attributes.

Notice how numeric attributes can be used with math formulas and is assigned to the Item formula field. Boolean attributes are always applied to the filter of the item. This is a scenario where you will decide yes or no to these items.

How to Create Pricing Attributes

  1. Company Menu >> POS Settings >> Pricing >> Pricing Attributes

  1. Add a new attribute in the upper right corner. The name must be one continuous string of characters. However, you can give it a “label” to read differently on the Product page when adding an Item to a transaction. Decide whether or not you need to include this name on a PDF.

System Pricing Attributes:

Now there are some pricing attributes that we call "System Pricing Attributes", which are pricing attributes (variables) we have setup within the system.

Example: Area, Perimeter, Length, Width, Height etc.,

These attributes can be used also to do some math.

However pricing attributes , Area & Perimeter work a bit differently to make your formulas and ability to do calculations more powerful.

Example: Let's take Area.

Some times you want to enter total Area in sqft/sqm vs Height & Width ( to calculate Area). Some specific examples are, if you are doing a Vehicle wrap or a window tinting, you calculate the total coverage and you get the total area, which is a sum of all different panels that need to be covered. If you have 10 different panels it is hard to put HxW once and get this value. In such cases, add Area to your Pricing Template pricing attributes, and when you try to use this product in a Quote, enter the value for Area. Then that number will be used to charge the "material" that is picked, there by not needing to enter HxW to calculate area. If for any reason you have all three variables in pricing attributes for a Product template... H, W and Area, it will ignore the area calculated by multiplying H*W and will only take the value in the "Area" field.

Same with Perimeter. Perimeter = 2*(H+W), but you can now create a Pricing attribute in your account called, Perimeter (spelling needs to match) and then it behaves the same way as Area where in you don't need the H & W to calculate Perimeter. Where do you use this? In Channel letter pricing, when you know the Perimeter of all the letters put together, and you want to charge that much "Trim Cap".

Material Dimensions as Variables:

Some times you want to use the dimensions of a substrate or a roll to do some math but you don't know which material you will finally pick and each material might have a different H, W. To be able to do this we introduced two variables (will add more as needed), called:

  • svItem_sheet_width
  • svItem_sheet_height

What these provide is a way to use these variables in "Item Formula" to calculate something.

Example: If you are trying to multiply or divide by the sheet width to get some value then you can say Area/(svItem_sheet_width*Height) then you will get number of sheets of that material.


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