ERROR - Property: amount_in_cents, reason: greater than payment balance.

Property: amount_in_cents, reason: greater than payment balance.

When you get this error this means you are trying to refund more money than the available balance in the Payment.

When you create a Payment in shopVOX you can apply it towards another transaction (like a sales order or an invoice).

However some times you might have to refund some or all of this payment (for what ever reason).

But when you want to do a refund on a given payment, that payment should have a balance showing that is not applied to anything, so that it can be refunded and applied to the 'refund' transaction.

The above alert,

Property: amount_in_cents, reason: greater than payment balance.

means that there is an insufficient balance available to "refund" the money.

The reason is you might have already applied all the payment dollars to another transaction (like a sales order or an invoice) and hence you cannot refund any more than what is left in the Payment Balance.

Now in the above example the payment is for $1.00 and that whole payment amount has been applied to the Invoice, 1206 (see below) the full amount. And hence the balance left on the payment is $0 (see the blue high light in the image above). You cannot refund any money on this payment since the whole amount is applied to the invoice and no more balance left to refund.

However if this was a mistake then you need to follow these steps.

Step 1.  First 'unapply' the money to the transaction below, you can do that by editing this payment and selecting to not apply this payment $ to the transaction below.

Step 2.  Once there is a balance in the payment then you can apply refund and can only apply refund = available balance.

If you have any questions please chat with support online or send an email to

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