Forms: Editing the User Interface

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

A little known area of shopVOX is Forms in the Account Settings section.

As you are using the system, you may find that you wish there was a Field on the New Customer entry page for their Facebook account or their Twitter account. OR...

...on the Quote entry page you wish there was a Field for the Customer PO Number & Date....but there isn't one .. Unless you add it to the NOTES section (in the case of the Customer page.)  But what about other areas of the program? What if you want to remove a Field you don't want?

Actually, some Fields can exist or be removed!

You can track a lot of data in your shopVOX account. And I mean a lot.

This data is very valuable for when your customer places a re-order or you need to find details on a job 3 years from now.

But when you’re first starting out with shopVOX, it can be a lot of information to fill in. Especially if shopVOX is the first business management software you’ve used.

To get the most out of shopVOX, you should customize your forms.

How to Show or Hide Fields

Step 1. From Your Account > Navigate to Account Settings > Forms
Step 2. Select the fields you want to use
These are the Forms you can Turn ON/OFF Fields...
  • Customer 
  • Invoice
  • Job
  • Material
  • Product
  • Quote
  • Sales Order
  • Setup Wizard

NOTE:  some Field are required for program functionality and can not be adjusted to On/Off

Go row by row and select the fields you want to display on the Form.

To disable a field from showing on the form, just uncheck the “Visible” box

To re-enable a field, just check the box


In the screen captures below, you will note there is NO PO # or Date fields...on the edit Quote page (see Image 1).......after the Quote FORM has been editted by checking the Customer PO# and Date check box... they are now visible.  (see Image 2)

Take a look and see what areas you can add or remove to customize shopVOX for your shop!!

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