Managing your schedule with the Shop Calendar and Shop Scheduler


This feature is in BETA testing. We are NOT currently accepting any more requests to join the BETA for this feature.

We recommend each User to use the Job board to manage their own schedule. As a manager you can also use the Production Control dashboard to see a simple list of items for each User.

You can click on individual users to see a list of jobs by the Step.

Are you currently using Google calendar or Outlook Calendar for scheduling production, installs, and more? Or maybe you're using a spreadsheet or a white board?

The calendar interface is familiar to just about everyone and it's easy to update things, but Google calendar does have a few shortcomings.

  • It is not connected to other systems (meaning you have to update other systems manually if something changes)
  • The name, description, and other data (aside from the dates/times) are unstructured - which means we can simply type anything, whether it's relevant or not
  • It is tough to manage multiple calendars for different departments, team members, or equipment

So we'd like to introduce our Shop Calendar and Shop Scheduler features.

Overview of the Shop Calendar

Overview of the Shop Scheduler

How To Setup


I just activated the Calendar and now nothing is showing up. What's the deal?

The Shop Calendar and Shop Scheduler will only show events that are created AFTER the feature was activated.

This means any current jobs won't show up on the calendar.

If you reschedule those jobs - they will start to show up on your calendar. But we don't back-date the calendar with your current jobs, quotes, orders, invoices, tasks, etc.

How do I get access to the Shop Calendar?

We are NOT currently accepting any more requests to join the BETA for this feature.

We will release this feature for all customers when it is ready.

What's Next?

How helpful was this doc?

Shop Calendar and Shop Scheduler: Overview - is it right for my shop?
