How to Connect to Quickbooks Online using the Setup Wizard

Our Setup Wizard makes your shopVOX to QuickBooks Online integration easy!  This article will show you how to create the link between your Quickbooks account and your shopVOX account.  First, you will create the link and then you will copy the require information from your QB account, so it will sync seamlessly.  

Start by opening the Setup Wizard - Company Menu > Setup Wizard.

Enable the Connection

  1. The first step is to enable the connection between the two apps.  

When you signed up for shopVOX, you probably already selected which version of QuickBooks you planned to use.  If not, be sure to let us know that you'd like to connect your Account to QuickBooks Online.  You can use the chat feature within the app to let us know.

Connect to QuickBooks

In setup Wizard, in the left side bar, click Connect to QBO.  

Update Post Enabled to Yes.  

  1. A few new options will be displayed.  

If you plan to sync Purchase Orders to QuickBooks Online, update this value to Yes.

Next, click the Connect to QuickBooks button.

  1. If you aren't already logged into QuickBooks Online, you'll be prompted to enter your Username and Password for Quickbooks.  

In the Welcome to Intuit App Center window, click "Authorize."

  1. Click return to shopVOX. 

Your page should update and look like this:

Nice!  Now shopVOX will be able to send information to QuickBooks.  

A few more things . . . I know you're ready to run . . . but before you can sync Invoices, Payments, and Purchase Orders, you'll need to import your QuickBooks settings into shopVOX.  

Import your QuickBooks based items into shopVOX

Here is a checklist of the items you'll need to setup in shopVOX.  Each item needs to be setup exactly the same way you have it setup in QuickBooks Online.  Importing these items will insure that the setup will be correct.  

  • Sales Taxes
  • Chart of Accounts (COA)
  • Payment Methods
  • Term Codes

  1. In the left side bar, click Setup QBO based items.  

  1. On each tab - Tax Rates, Chart of Accounts, Payment Methods, and Term Codes, click the check box next to the items you would like to import into your Account.  

If the item is grayed out, it means that the item already exists in shopVOX.  Once you have all the boxes checked, click the Copy selected to shopVOX button.

If you use Combined Tax rates, check out the following article on setting up Tax Rates in shopVOX.  

Sales Tax Rates

  1. Create the COA mapping

Once you've setup your QuickBooks Accounts within shopVOX, you will need to "map" them to the appropriate shopVOX Accounts.  This tells shopVOX which of the QuickBooks Accounts it needs to use for each type of transaction in shopVOX.  

To create the COA Mappings, in the left side bar, click COA Mappings.

In each drop down, select the QuickBooks account you want to use for each type of transaction.

*NOTE:  The Income and Cost of Goods Accounts that you map here are the default accounts and you can only map one of each.  You can choose any of the accounts you setup in the Chart of Accounts page when you setup your Products and Materials.

  1. Almost done...

Once you've completed the setup, it's time to have it verified.  

Please contact our live Support team through the Chat link in the app and they'll check to make sure everything is setup correctly and then enable the sync function for shopVOX and QuickBooks.

Questions?  Feel free to chat with our Live Support Team or send an email to

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shopVOX Setup of Tax Codes for Quickbooks Canada Desktop/Online

How to Connect to Quickbooks Desktop version using the Setup Wizard
