Get artwork approved faster with Online Proofing

Santosh Updated by Santosh

This article will review the overview and steps to add proofs to your jobs and have them approved by your customer directly in shopVOX.

Overview of the Proofing Process

How To Upload Proofs

To upload a proof, follow these steps:

Step 1.  Create and open a job.
Step 2.  Click the Upload Proof button.  
Step 3.  In the New Proof pop up box, enter a Name for the Proof.
Step 4.  Enter the local file if necessary.
Step 5.  Click the "Select Proof" button.  
Step 6.  Choose the source you are uploading your proof from and click the "Choose File" button.
Step 7.  Select the file from its source.
Step 8.  Click the "Save" button.

The proof will be uploaded to the job.  Repeat the steps above to add additional proofs.

Using our Proof Approval Checklist

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Does shopVOX support multiple page proofs?
