Drive results with the Sales - Production Thermometer

Santosh Updated by Santosh

As an owner or manager it can be tough to know what actions to take when reviewing your data. Our Sales - Production Thermometer dashboard makes it simple to analyze your key numbers and know where to focus your attention.

Sales - Production Thermometer dashboard

Determine Your Goals

To get value from the Sales - Production Thermometer, you'll want to set up your Sales Goals for the current year.

How much revenue do you want to generate on a monthly basis?

When setting your monthly sales target, it's best to have your historical data on hand. Use your monthly sales for the last year as a baseline for setting targets for the current year.

If you're currently selling an average of $30,000 worth of signs or apparel on a monthly basis, closing $100,000 in sales next month is a big jump. It's important that your goals are achievable so your team stays motivated.

Don't forget to think about your profit margin and monthly overhead expenses when determining your sales target.

Add your Monthly Sales Target
  1. Go to POS Settings > Sales Goals
  2. Select the current year and click Go
  3. Input your targets for each month by Sales Rep or Store

Calculating Your Numbers

Find Your Conversion Ratio

What percentage of quotes do you close and convert into sales orders?

  1. Click the Home icon
  2. Click Business Intelligence
  3. Adjust the date range to the previous financial year
  4. Write down this number

Calculate Your Monthly Quote Target

Your quote target is how much you need to quote in a given month to hit your sales target. You'll use the conversion ratio from the previous step to calculate it.

Here's the formula on how to calculate your quoting target.

Monthly Sales Target / Conversion Ratio = Quoting Target

$30,000 / .562 = $53,571.43 or $54,000 (rounded up to nearest thousand $)
  1. Use the formula above to calculate your monthly Quote Target
  2. Write down this number

Now you're ready to use the Sales - Production Thermometer.

Reading the Report

It is important to understand how the report is structured before you take action on the data.

Sales Growth Summary

This summary shows your Sales Order $ totals and growth year over year.

The weekly average is a great way for you tell if you're on track to beat last years sales numbers. You want the weekly average for this year to be higher than last year.

Sales Growth Detail

The Sales Growth Detail section is broken down into the individual 52 weeks of the year.

There are two columns so you can easy compare this years performance to last years.

Here's what the sub-columns mean.

  • Quotes total - The total $ value of all quotes created in the week
  • Sales Order totaThe total $ value of all sales orders created in the week
  • Invoices total - The total $ value of all invoices created in the week
  • 8 Week SO Avg The running average of the total $ value of sales orders created in the last 8 weeks
  • Goals -
    The weekly target for the total $ value of all sales orders created in the week.

Now let's learn how to use this report to help your shop be more successful.

Taking Action on the Data

Are we writing enough Quotes?

If your weekly sales order goal is $13,000 and your average conversion ratio is 60%, then you'll need to generate at least $13,000 / .60 = $21,666.67 of quotes to hit your sales target.

If you see that your Quote total is less than this number, then you need to start writing some quotes.

Here's a few ideas.

  • Set aside 3-4 hrs to call your existing customers and ask them what projects they have coming up
  • Ask any customers that come to pick up orders this week for a referral
  • Ask your sales reps if there are any projects that they've not gotten around to quoting

Common Questions

When should I review the Sales - Production Thermometer?

We recommend you incorporate this into your weekly routine. Put a recurring event on your calendar for 30 min every Monday morning or Friday afternoon.

Why do Goals show in red or green?

Numbers in Red are sales that are below set Goals

Numbers in Green are sales that are above set Goals

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