Setting up Constant Contact integration

Aaron Aldrich Updated by Aaron Aldrich

Do you use Constant Contact (CC) for an email marketing campaign for your business or a newsletter you send out to your customer base?  We have a way to integrate with Constant contact that will upload your newest customers to your CC account.  You can have this set to do it automatically or do a manual export to put the customers in a specific category. 

If you don’t currently have a CC account but are interested in sending out announcements to customers or developing monthly newsletters; check out their website.

NOTE: shopVOX is not affiliated with Constant contact in anyway. You are welcome to try their service or MailChimp, which we also integrate with.

Already have an account with Constant Contact?

If you do have a Constant Contact account and would like shopVOX to integrate with it, just let us know in chat and the support team will turn this feature on for you.

How to set this up:

Step One

Once this feature is turned on, you will have an option to start setting it up by going to Account settings > Constant Contact


Step Two

You will need to have your Constant contact account created of course. If you have this ready and your account is already setup then click on the Click to Authorize link.

Step Three

The Constant Contact web page will open with an Allow Access? Window.  Go ahead and click Allow.

Step Four

All done!

You now have a link with your Constant contact account and you can import contacts manually or change the settings to do it automatically as you add new customers to your account.  It will work silently in the background. 

NOTE: If you are new to Constant contact, it is recommended to download your current contact list from shopVOX and upload the list directly into your new account.  The reason is you will have several hundred names that you might want to categorize into different groups or business types.  The interface within Constant contact works well to allow you to do this. 

Moving forward, as you use shopVOX and add new customers; these will then be added to your account.

Welcome to Constant Contact integration!

Your page should now look like this. There are a couple of settings you can turn on.

  • Sync On Add - This will sync any new contacts that are created in your shopVOX account through out your normal business day, as employees add new Contacts with email addresses.
  • Sync on Update - If an existing customer is changed or updated with a new email address, it will sync to your Constant contact account

You can set your Default list in the field on the RIght and also create new lists in the field on the Left.


The Reset Integration will disconnect you from your Constant contact account, so be sure you really want to do this before you click this button. If you have already clicked it by accident, then you can just start over from Step One. So it's not the end of the world if you do!

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